
Township and range system long-lot survey system
Township and range system long-lot survey system

Thus, the description of a township as “Township 16 North, Range 7 West” would mean that the township is situated 16 tiers north of the Base Line for the Principal Meridian and 7 ranges west of that meridian. The township numbers east or west of the Principal Meridians are designated as ranges whereas, the numbers north and south of the Base Line are tiers. The base lines running north and south are known as “Principal Meridians”, while the east and west base lines are called simply “Base Lines”.

township and range system long-lot survey system

Under this system the lands are divided into “townships,” 6 miles square, which are related to base lines established by the federal government. The system of rectangular surveys was inaugurated in 1785 and the laws governing its establishment have, with various modifications, been applied to all of the United States with the exception of the states listed above.

Township and range system long-lot survey system